Frequently Asked Questions

What is Nyx?

Nyx is a revolutionary, decentralized technology that addresses the principal challenge to the adoption of AI within enterprise: secure, trusted access to domain-specific, contextualized and real-time data. Nyx brings together communities of proprietary data producers and data consumers in a secure, transparent, and user-friendly environment, and integrated into AI workflows.

Does Nyx use blockchain for its decentralized architecture?

No. However, Nyx does incorporate the concept of Decentralized IDs (found in ‘Web3’ architectures) to enable self-sovereignty, and we continue to consider ways blockchain might be useful for interoperating data in the future.

Does Nyx use Generative AI?

Nyx does not leverage any Generative AI models in the provision of core data publishing or subscribing capabilities.  Nyx incorporates Semantic Web capabilities including Semantic Inference, a type of logical reasoning.  The ‘Try it Now’ feature in the Nyx Playground includes a RAG-enabled chatbot demonstrator which incorporates integrations with popular LLMs.

How do I get access?

Our Nyx Playground is available for early access, and we just ask that you provide us with your valued feedback. Click here to get started.

What makes Nyx different from file sharing platforms (e.g. Sharepoint, Huggingface)?

Traditional data sharing approaches with tools like Sharepoint make a number of assumptions about the world: everyone knows what data is available; everyone knows what the data means; and when access is required, it can be granted safely.  None of those assumptions are generally true in most real-world organizations or ecosystems.  Instead: data is everywhere; data is owned by lots of different people; each party has a unique lens through which they view that data; and not everyone trusts each other.  As a result, traditional means of sharing data are insufficient.

Nyx leverages a patented, decentralized architecture designed ‘bottom-up’ for secure, selective interoperability at the data tier.  Nyx combines streaming, knowledge graph, semantics, virtualization and decentralization to deliver interoperability in the real world, making real-time and static data discoverable, understandable and accessible across organizations and ecosystems, while ensuring that each participant retains sovereignty of their own systems and data.

What kind of data can I publish or discover in Nyx, besides files?

While the early releases of focus on publishing files of data, Nyx will soon be capable of publishing streams, data from databases, digital twins, and AI agents, with connectors being added to support the most commonly used systems within enterprise.

The RAG Demonstrator provided in the ‘Try it Now’ feature supports only CSV files.

Can I integrate Nyx in my own AI pipeline? And How?

Yes, you’ll be up and going with a simple RAG workflow within 5 minutes, and thereafter be able to experience how quick and easy it is to leverage data through Nyx as part of your AI build. The Nyx Toolkit includes a Python SDK, providing rapid integration into some of the most popular models in the industry. 

Check out the Nyx SDK here to get started.

What data will be available for me to use if I try out Nyx Playground?

Within the Nyx Playground you will be able to search for, preview, and subscribe to data published by other Nyx Playground users.  But why not try Nyx out using your own data?  Connect some of your own data files to explore how easy it is to find data and integrate it into your RAG AI workflow with Nyx. (Just remember to choose data which isn’t sensitive and that you have the right to share.)